Join the Team.
A gift of $50 per month allows a missionary to schedule an extra 1000 pounds of freight each year.

YES! I want to be a part of the Half Ton Team.
Tax-deductible gifts to the Half Ton Team are routed through the AIM AIR Strategic Flights and Development Fund and processed on the secure AIM-USA giving website.
You can track or update your giving at any time here.
Be a Lifeline to missionaries in remote and isolated places.
The Half Ton Team is made up of partners who pledge to give monthly to AIM AIR’s Strategic Flights and Development, lowering the cost to the missionaries who depend on our service. A gift of $50 per month allows a missionary to schedule an extra 1000 pounds of freight each year.
This could be items like audio bibles, literacy materials, car parts, building supplies and even special birthday gifts. It could be passengers like a bible student, church work group, or a child returning home from boarding school. We never know what each flight will carry, and we may never even see the impact of what a little box could mean this side of eternity.
Each unique load our airplanes carry enable missionaries to stay longer in their location, go the distance, and share the love of Christ as they live it out in extremely difficult areas.